I just discovered Janis Joplin, and I think she's wonderful!
I just discovered Janis Joplin, and I think she's wonderful!
It was like a frozen waterfall, I got quite excited :D
I felt like I was walking through a Christmas Card. Especially on Christmas Day ><
Hmmm, me hurtlng towards Sam on newly attached skis.
It's like a 'What happened next?' picture :')
See if you can figure it out :P
Top Gun! :D
I felt pretty darn cool in those aviators and that helmet.
And safe 8-)
This is one of the most intereting games of pool I've ever played :') Someone (I won't name names :P) potted the white ball, and the table failed to spit it back out again, so we improvised and used the green stripe. But of course, we couldn't lose another 'white' ball, so we all had to stand and 'protect' the pockets, to make sure we didn't pot the green stripe. It was extremely funny at the time, with much running about and "I've got it, I've g...oh dear" :D
Yes, we did go on holiday in a Lord of the Rings film. 'Twas rather exciting :D
Hehe, "Are you taking my picture?" "Well that's why I've pointed the camera in your face!"
If I could figure out how to do vids on here, I'd post the one of me (terribly) humming the Lord of the Rings theme tune, and panning the landscape, and pretty much humming the tune of every epic film I could think of, I even think James Bond made it in there for some reason :')
It was all very dramatic ;)
But I had an epic time (no pun intended), learning to ski, spending time with my family :) Meeting awesome and cool new people :D
I really like life!
It was a really big windowledge, and the nice thing is that me and Beth (on the right) both sat in the windowledge at the ages of 11 and 9 respectively. See how much we've changed!
A New Year's Day walk, how lovely. My aunty posted this on Facebook with the caption 'The Castle of Park formation diving team prepares for its first (and last) performance'
I love my family!
Back to college now though, and sinking my teeth into the revision that piled up over Christmas. I have 3 exams within as many weeks. Wish me luck!