I have had many in my life, and today was most definately one of them.
Philosophy first, 'Why, that's a lovely can of water you've just opened Rob!'
'No no no, it's a gay velociraptor!'
Me, Amy and Lotte just constantly going 'Charliieeeeeeee' and 'Shun the non believer!'
The supply teacher actually said thanks for being so amusing!
Then our huge free period, and everyone came back to mine and we ate ice cream from the tub, sat in the middle of my living room listening to Sunny Afternoon by The Kinks.
And then.
A truly epic English Literature lesson. We actually acted out Act 2 of Dancing At Lughnasa in the middle of the room, with me playing Maggie, Gab as Chris, Rachel as Agnes and Eldon as Gerry.
I don't think I've ever laughed so much!
Eldon's pathetic attempts to dance, and my wellingtons!
He said they'll feature in his nightmares :')
And then a really nice English enrichment session about Victorian Novels, just chatting about how Edwin Drood should have ended and whether Pip should have married Biddy or if she was better off with Joe. It was nice.
Going to Colchester this weekend, should be really good, even though I've had to turn down some offers of the cinema etc and it'll take us about 6 hours to get there :/
But still, it's a Landmark! And Landmark's are always always always fun :D
Some Legendary Landmark moments:
Eating breakfast outside :)
We could not stop laughing. Gotta love it :')
Cos we're cool 8-)
Speaks for itself :')
We like to paddle :D
It snowed!!!! I was so excited :D New Year in a Landmark=awesome (yes that's me with the giant snowball about to fall over :P)
I love photos that make you think of old tales of adventure and mystery.
Couldn't this castle (I think it was Stirling) just be straight out of King Arthur?
I think of knights in shining armour, and gallantry, and quests, and fair maidens, and floaty sleeves!
Yes that's it. Floaty Sleeves :D
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