It's my first one, and I'm overexcited about it :D
Lou tagged me to answer a few questions...sounds do-able!
1. What's a perfect styling for you?
I like lots of things, and I don't think any of them are particularly perfect :) I usually just wear hoodies and jeans out, and in summer just switch to shorts and t-shirts, I dress pretty simply :P I'm not very fashion-minded, so I don't tend to be adventurous at all :') I don't even have a wardrobe, I attacked mine with a hammer so now I have sort of a rail type thing. And other types of styling are virtually non-existent with me...I barely brush my hair, don't wear make-up and my converse are my favourite shoes. I have 4 pairs, and that's extravagant for me :P
2. On what do you spent most of your money?
I'm a saver not a spender :P I don't really buy clothes or magazines, most of the money I take to college/out goes on food :') I buy CD's and DVD's more often, but not regularly. Although I've been to Iceland and Russia (which I havent't got round to talking about on this blog yet, but it was utterly amazing XD) this year with college and I've paid for a portion of those trips, so quite a bit of my money went on those. I guess I go to the cinema alot, but honestly, I'm not usually short of money because I just don't spend any!
3. What's your favourite song at this moment?
I listen to bands and artists that no-one's really heard of, but I've been listening to a comedy trio on YouTube recently who make parodies and originals, and if you've never heard of them, I definitely recomment Youtubing 'The Midnight Beast', their songs are all hilarious! My favouites gotta be the Tik Tok Parody, and Lez Be Friends :D

But I also just discovered that 'Go First' by Damien Jurrado has just shot up my Top 25 Most Played to No.2, when it wasn't even charting before. I don't need Radio 1, I gotta my own ;) Although if anyone can knock 'Monkey' by Low off the top spot I'd be incredibly impressed.
4. Which excellences do you think you have?
Ahh that's a lovely worded question, 'excellences'. I'm excellent at eating twirls and remembering song lyrics, especially if they're musical theatre (mostly because they were drilled into me in 8 hour rehearsals :P). I'm excellent at making my face look like I'm sucking a lemon in most pictures taken of me, or vastly underestimating the camera lense's ability to get me in shot (resulting in me leaning over far too much and thus looking rather idiotic).
5. And what are your failings?
I can't ride a bike very well. I've got the balance thing down, it's just the steering that's giving me problems. I mean, I'm sure I'd have been fine if that big white van hadn't been just where it was and I'd remembered I had brakes. I panic, and my legs go sideways :')
...I have no idea who else to tag...can I tag everyone that reads this? Basically...if you want to, I tag you!
Emma, you're so cute :') the end bit about 'tagging' made me laugh :L xxxx
ReplyDeleteEmma i agree, your absolutely adorable :') aha